Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cute fruits

The other day I was flipping through my collection of Mollie Makes magazines and I was reminded of the lovely fabric apples and pears from issue 6 which I had intended to make at the time, but never got around to it ,which happens a lot to me I find, does it happen to you? Anyway, feeling all inspired yesterday I finally had a go and I have to say, I love them! And they were pretty easy too...

 The yellow pear is my favourite.
 It almost looks as though they just tumbled from the tree! :)
Even the underside looks appealing. 

I must make more...for what reason I do not know except for the fact that I have a 'thing' about the shape of a pear right now and they are just a bit cute aren't they?
I would love to see other peoples fabric fruit, yes pretty please!


  1. I love them, I made some also so so easy. See yellow will grow on you. MAke an orange with the apple pattern. YEAH xx

  2. I'm a bit partial to a nice pear shape too!
    It's a great way to use us scraps of fabric as well.

  3. Hmmm. I could so take a bite! :)
    I've been meaning to do a pear myself for quite some time. They don't really have a point - but I just love looking at them! Enjoy yours. :)

  4. You've just inspired me to go and make some. I have a thing about apples and pears and have that Mollie Makes magazine too. They are adorable. Cx

  5. Thanks for all the lovely comments! xxx
